Why Are Patients Asked For Urine Samples?

12 Jun 2019 12:16

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A urine analysis is a set of tests that are used to detect and manage a broad range of diseases such as diabetes, kidney infection and urinary tract infections. A flexible fiber-optic tool called a cystoscope may be used to check for benign or malignant bladder tumors The narrow, tube-like device is fed into the bladder through the urethra, providing direct visualization of injuries that other imaging and blood tests sometimes miss.

To diagnose medical conditions - The set of tests is used to diagnose kidney infection, uncontrolled diabetes muscle breakdown, the presence of protein in the urine, measuring red blood count numbers in the urine, drug screening, and kidney inflammation.

If the dipstick result is positive for blood but no RBCs are found in the urinary sediment when analyzed on urine microscopy, then that indicates myoglobinuria (caused by rhabdomyolysis or myoglobinuric water test kit renal failure) or hemoglobinuria (caused by infections such as Plasmodium falciparum or Clostridium welchii, transfusion-related reactions, or paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria).

Urine cultures are also done in cases of unusual UTI symptoms that are not particularly associated with UTIs, in men, who rarely get urinary tract infections, in the elderly, in those with poor immunological systems or in those who have known structural problems with their kidneys or urinary tract.

The solid part at the bottom of the tube (urinary sediment) is then gently mixed with the few drops of liquid urine left on top of it. A drop of this mix is then transferred using a small pipette onto a thin glass slide and analyzed under the microscope.

The change from urine microscopy to urinary flow cytometry has been accompanied by a significant decrease in imprecision ( 15 ). Because urinalysis test strips are often used for checking urinary flow cytometry data ( 11 ), there is a need for a more quantitative evaluation of urinalysis test strips.

Haematuria can be classified as visible, also known as macroscopic or gross haematuria, or non-visible, also known as microscopic haematuria.1 Haematuria can originate from numerous sites including the kidney, ureter, bladder, prostate, urethra or other structures within the urogenital tract.

You take a urine sample and place the end of the strip so that its covered and leave it there for about 60 - 120 seconds and then take it out and the color of the tip of it will start to change which you can compare the color on the end of the strip to the color chart on the back of the bottle.

An evaluation of 4379 urinalysis specimens from outpatients in a single laboratory revealed that 23% contained measurable vitamin C. An oral dose of 100 mg of vitamin C caused falsely negative dipstick tests for blood, glucose and leukocyte esterase in urine samples tested within 4 hours of ingestion.

A simple, color-changing paper test, dipped into the specimen, can measure levels of glucose, blood, protein and other chemicals, which in turn can indicate evidence of kidney disease, diabetes, urinary tract infections and even signs of bladder cancer.

Wait 45 Seconds - Expected Results: low at 1.000 but normal ranges from 1.020 to 1.030 - Specific Gravity: Urine Specific Gravity tests are widely used by medics, nurses and other health professionals to screen for water-loss dehydration and measures of the concentration, or specific gravity, of concentrated particles are in your urine.

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